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Dr. Phil says kids suffered more from ‘mismanagement’ than ‘exposure to Covid’

Dr. Phil McGraw blasted school closures during the Covid-19 pandemic as he appeared on The View, stunning the hosts of the show. The 73-year-old was asked about how he had addressed social media inWe’ve Got Issues, his new book.
“In, like, ’08, ’09, smartphones came on, and kids started, they stopped living their lives and starting watching people live their lives, and so we saw the biggest spike and the highest levels of depression, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidality, since records have ever been kept, and it’s just continued on and on and on,” McGraw replied.
“And then Covid hits 10 years later, and the same agencies that knew that, are the agencies that shut down the schools for two years. Who does that? Who takes away the support system for these children? Who takes it away and shuts it down?” he continued.
McGraw added, “And by the way, when they shut it down, they stopped the mandated reporters from being able to see children that were being abused and sexually molested and, in fact, sent them home and abandoned them to their abusers with no way to watch and referrals dropped 50 per cent to 60 percent.”2
Pushing back against McGraw’s remarks, co-host Sunny Hostin said, “There was also a pandemic going on…”
“They were trying to save kids’ lives. We know a lot of folks who died during this…,” Whoopi Goldberg added.
“Not school children,” McGraw replied, prompting Ana Navarro to question him on whether he was claiming no school children died during the pandemic. “I’m saying it was the safest group. They were the less vulnerable group, and they suffered and will suffer more from the mismanagement of Covid than they will from the exposure to Covid, and that’s not an opinion. That’s a fact,” McGraw said.
